
Show off your high-speed printing moments to win prizes!!!
Show off a great moment of high-speed printing and win an Adxl345!!! How to participate: Post videos of beautiful models or parameter settings for V400 high-speed printing on Youtube,and #Flsun3dPrinter hashtag. Prizes: Adxl345 (30 Person) Event Date:Mar.18 - Mar.31  2023 (PST) For more information:flsun3dprinter Warm reminder: Keep your Youtube videos public for the duration of the campaign and add the title (#flsun3dprinter) and hashtag so we can easily find you!   If you have any other questions, please...
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Factors Affecting Speed - Motion System
Factors affecting the printing speed - the motion system, stepper motors and motor drives are responsible for all linear motion of the printer and are closely related to the printing speed. Nowadays, the most commonly used in 3d printing industry...
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