delta-structured printer

delta-structured printer

With the maturity of 3D printing technology, desktop-level 3D printers are becoming more and more common. Also, various printers have a variety of motion structures. In terms of speed, the Delta structure printer has an absolute advantage.
  The 3D printer with delta structure is also a common structure on the market, and the professional name is parallel arm structure. This structure was originally designed for robotic claws that can quickly and accurately grasp light and small objects. Robots using this structure are now called parallel robots. This structure emerged in the 1990s and has been widely used due to its advantages of high speed, high precision, and strong flexibility. The parallel arm structure has become our current printer Super Racer, QQ-S Pro, Q5 when applied to 3D printers. Three printer products.

  The appeal of delta printers is mainly that they are faster than i3-structured printers because it requires less movement to print the same object. For printer enthusiasts, this is a good choice, because the structure of the delta is special, it takes up less area than the i3 structure printer that prints the same size. They can manage a wider range of sizes and use different special materials. For example, the super Racer delta printer is also suitable for printing with PETG and ABS where speed and temperature are critical, making it a great printer for players with consumable needs.

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