Factors Affecting Speed - Cooling System

Factors Affecting Speed - Cooling System

Factors affecting the printing speed - cooling system, the current 3D printer cooling system used most is the fan, the size of the fan, wind size and wind direction have a certain impact on the cooling effect, the different cooling effect will affect the printing speed.
The fan can disperse the heat from the heat sink area to keep the throat cooler at the top and hotter at the bottom to achieve more accurate pullback and avoid the phenomenon of "clogging" when extruding the filament. At the same time, the extruder needs to cool the extruded filament faster when printing so that the next layer of filament can be extruded and cooled, so that the printed model can be cooled in time to ensure higher printing speed. Therefore, how to achieve faster cooling?
We can improve the cooling rate by changing the size of the fan and the wind power to improve the printing speed and print quality. The larger the fan size, the larger the cooling area; the higher the fan rotation speed, the higher the wind force, the faster the cooling. This can be done by installing a larger fan on one side of the build plate or on both sides ( such as Voron) to increase the cooling area, and also by choosing a fan with higher rotation speed to increase the wind power.

It is also possible to better control the wind direction by installing air guide structures on both sides of it thus allowing the wind to blow to the nozzle position. They both cool the layers very well during the printing process, reducing the cooling waiting time.

But the speed of cooling needs to be moderate, too fast cooling speed will lead to extrusion of the model solidification, layer and layer between the bad adhesion; cooling speed is too slow will need more time to wait for the model to cool down thus reducing the printing speed, for the filament, not cooled in time will lead the shape is easily changed, so fast cooling the already printed layer can keep the accuracy more accurate.
Fast also means higher vibration frequency, so when choosing a fan we also need to consider whether the quality of the fan can withstand the vibration of the printer when printing fast, while silence is a trend in our choice of fan. As you can see, the cooling fan also has a certain impact on the printing speed and print quality.

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