FLSUN V400 Official Website Pre-Order Shipping Status

FLSUN V400 Official Website Pre-Order Shipping Status

As more and more users receive their printers ,many customers look forward to the arrival of the V400, we would like to update you on the overall production and shipping status.
Thank you for your support and patience. Due to sales exceeding our expectations, shortage of core materials,unstable logistics and other circumstances have caused some delays in orders.
Also logistics conditions vary by country and region, so delivery dates may vary by warehouse. We will send the device to you as soon as it arrives at your local warehouse, and you will be given a tracking number once your printer has been shipped from your local warehouse.

Next, we will closely monitor the entire delivery process and do our best to make sure you receive your printer as soon as possible. Thank you again!


  • Shane Hawkins

    Checking on a update for my order on October 29, 2022 Thank you

  • Jackson Pierce

    Please show some sort of update, I ordered aug 18 and am not even showing my orders fulfilled let alone shipped and showing should arrive by the end of October and it’s the 27th

  • Butin David

    Bonjour ma commande est #2796, acheté le 1/7,2022. Par avion.
    Auriez vous des nouvelles sur ma commande?

  • paul lukeman

    curious about my order; #3224 ordered july 26 for canada. by air

  • paul lukeman

    curious about my order; #3224 ordered july 26 for canada. by air

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