New 3D printing technology

New 3D printing technology

Market demand and the development of industrial technology jointly determine the development prospects of 3D printing technology. At present, all aspects of 3d printing technology. The market development of 3d printing technology has also gained a broad prospect and is widely used, and it will even be integrated into our future life. For example, 3D printing technology has been involved in industries such as cultural creativity, medical care, construction, and education, and the actual benefits after application are obvious to all.

Time flies, I believe everyone has heard that stent-like implants can promote the re-growth of bone tissue or cartilage to the missing part. Now, scientists have developed a way to print such implants with faster and easier 3D printing technology.

Since the internal structure of the implant is similar to natural bone, the cells of the patient's adjacent bone tissue gradually begin to migrate into the implant and "live" in the gap connected to it. These cells continue to multiply and replace the scaffold material. The last thing left is pure natural bones, which fill the previous gap.

But 3D printing implants is very tricky because the walls of the blank areas are very thin and complicated-the printing nozzles on the most commonly used 3D printers simply cannot achieve such details. And this is becoming a breakthrough point for new technologies. This printing technology is called NEST3D printing and was jointly developed by scientists from RMIT University in Australia and St. Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne. This process uses three-dimensional printing technology to produce a solid polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesive. An ordinary 3D printer can accomplish this task.

Place the template in the template, and then pour in biocompatible/biodegradable liquid materials, such as polymers, to fill the space that the template does not occupy. When the polymer is cured, the soluble polyvinyl alcohol glue is dissolved with water. In the end, the template disappeared, leaving behind the complex polymer "skeleton" that formed the scaffold.

The chief scientist, Dr. Cathal O'Connell of RMIT, said: It is amazing to use an ordinary 3D printer to create such complex shapes. This has indeed lowered the barriers to entry into the field and brought us one step closer to tissue engineering becoming a medical reality.

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