You have a Christmas Eve airdrop, please check it

You have a Christmas Eve airdrop, please check it

On Christmas Eve, say peace to each other. Christmas Eve is one of the Christmas holidays. Since the general festive atmosphere is easily mobilized at night, and large-scale activities are concentrated at night, it is called Christmas Eve. But due to the combination of Chinese and Western cultures, Christmas Eve has become a worldwide holiday. In China, because the "Ping" of Apple is the same as the "Ping" of Ping An, there is a custom of sending apples on Christmas Eve. In order to let employees better feel that Chaokuo is a big family and a place where we can trust and are willing to pay for it, FLSUN specially presents beautifully packaged Christmas Eve gifts to everyone on Christmas Eve—— Apples, peanuts, and candies symbolize a lifetime of peace and sweetness.

 You have a Christmas Eve airdrop, please check it

Early on Christmas Eve, the personnel department bought back the items needed to wrap the gifts. The preparations were started early in the afternoon. Each gift box contained an apple, a peanut and two candies, and some gift boxes also contained small notes representing our hearts. The content on each small note represents what we want to say to everyone. As we approached the end of get off work, we put these fruits on our desks, and everyone came to receive their own fruit.

When everyone got the gift box, everyone's face was filled with happy smiles. Some people can't wait to open the gift box, eat an apple, and share the content of their note with everyone. Of course, there are still many people who choose to show their peace fruit in their circle of friends.

Today, in the name of Christmas Eve, we send everyone peace fruit, hope you do what you wish, and wish you peace. I hope everyone will taste a bite of candy, a sweet life.Listen to carols, a happy life.Eat an apple, a safe life. Receive a blessing, a happy life.Christmas Eve, peace with life!

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